A classic gold among the Schilling coins.
In 1924, the Schilling became the official currency in Austria, which was true until it was replaced by the Euro in 2002. Even today, many citizens think back fondly to the Schilling and have the opportunity to bring back the traditional currency as a gold coin of the 1st and 2nd Republic.
As a commemorative coin in the value of 500 or 1000 Schilling, the former Austrian currency becomes a special collector coin, which is also a safe investment.
In Austria there is a high minting tradition not only since the production of the Euro gold coins as year coins. Ducats, guilders and crowns were already produced in imperial times. Equally rich in tradition is the Austrian shilling in gold. In the first republic shilling coins were minted at the nominal value of 25 as well as 100 shillings.
The first shilling coin of the Second Republic represents the 1000 Babenberg shilling. Unfortunately, only a few of these coins have real collector value. The few that exist must be in a very high state of preservation.
Nominal value | Weight | Alloy | Gold | Dimensions | Mint years |
25 shillings |
5,881g | 900 | 5,292g | 21×1,2mm | 1926-1938 |
100 shillings |
23,524g | 900 | 21,17g | 33.2×1.9mm | 1926-1938 |
1000 shilling Babenberg |
13,5g | 900 | 12,15g | 27×1,6mm | 1976 |
500 shilling commemorative coin |
8,1136g | 986 | 8,0g | 22mm | 1991-1999 |
10,142g | 986 | 10,0g | 22mm | 2000-2001 | |
1000 shillings Commemorative coin |
16,227g | 986 | 16,00g | 30mm | 1991-2001 |
16,97g | 916 | 15,55g | 28mm | 1995 Olympia | |
200-2000 shillings |
Vienna Philharmonic |
Wenn Sie über den Ankauf von Gold- oder Silbermünzen nachdenken und sich mit dem Schilling in Gold ein Stück österreichische Geschichte ins Haus holen möchten, stehen wir Ihnen gerne in unseren Filialen in Wien zur Seite. Oder sie kaufen die Goldmünzen direkt hier im Online-Shop mit nur einem Klick. Schilling Goldmünzen gehören zu den Anlagemünzen, ähnlich wie Wiener Philharmoniker Münze und die Kronen und Dukaten Goldmünzen.