Gold&Co. - Your reliable partner

Gold&Co. is an Austrian family business and looks back on more than 130 years of family tradition in gold jewelry production and trading of gold and precious metals. Founder Walter Hell-Höflinger is in the 5th generation and himself has been active in the precious metals industry for several decades.

Whether you want to sell jewelry, invest in gold or just want a free consultation - we welcome you! We are here for you - every day anew!

At Gold&Co. you can expect MORE than a gold dealer

You want to secure your assets and have decided to buy precious metals? Most of the time you end up at an impersonal counter of a bank. With us you can expect more. Everyone is individual. No one has the same family situation. Every person is special and it is exactly this individuality that we take into account. In a personal conversation we get a picture of your motives to invest in gold. Based on this, we work together to develop a denomination that is personally tailored to you, from the metals that are most suitable for you.

More advice, because not all gold is the same - That it is important to own gold, we agree. But there are types of gold where you can lose money, for example, because you can not independently determine a value. We can save you from that. Knowledge is power also with gold and our experts are happy to share this knowledge with you. Not every denomination is equally interesting for everyone, not always the cheapest price is the most favorable for you. We will gladly explain why.

We also provide storage tips and have alternatives ready to safely store your retirement savings outside the bank safe deposit box system.

MORE advice on gold purchase

Ein Schmuckkästchen beinhaltet nicht nur Bruchgold. In den samtigen Laden verbergen sich die Geschichten vom Leben eines lieben Menschen: Stücke mit Erinnerungen an die Oma oder vielleicht doch der eine Ring mit dem weißen Stein, den die Ururgroßmutter als Dienstmädchen für treue Dienste von der Frau Gräfin geschenkt bekommen hat. Dabei gibt es Dinge, die nicht mehr sind als altes Gold und auch dessen Wert hat. Erinnerungsstücke verkauft man nur im Ernstfall, wir empfehlen sie zu behalten – kein Preis kann Ihre schönen Erinnerungen aufwiegen. Und was den weißen Stein angeht – bei Gold&Co. können Sie nicht nur erfahren, ob und wie viel dieser wert ist, sondern wir bewerten das gesamte Stück als Schmuck und verhelfen Ihnen zu einem wertgerechten Verkaufspreis.

MORE than a smelter & refiner

A refinery melts, recycles - but it does not distinguish between collector coins, antiques or jewels. At a refinery, all metals are purchased at the raw material price and melted. In the process, not only do high values often go up in flames, but cultural-historical irreplaceable goods are lost forever.

Therefore, you should definitely play it safe and let an expert check beforehand. Experts cost a lot of money, so take advantage of the opportunity to make a free K&K Check (Kunst und Krempel Check) before selling at Gold & Co. Maybe you have a piece for the museum?

Gold&Co. - What precious metal recycling has to do with the environment

Gold has been a sign of a society's prosperity for thousands of years. Whether jewelry, coins, or bars - the golden precious metal has always been coveted and admired by citizens and the state alike. But gold mining also brings difficulties: on the one hand, we humans pollute our environment with drilling and the extraction of gold from the mines; on the other hand, miners sometimes put their lives at risk for it. And this is how Gold&Co. came into being: "We are not only committed to professional customer service and the best gold jewelry prices - much more we actively contribute to the environment" . By processing jewelry that is no longer needed, we bypass the environmentally damaging gold mining process. We feed the recovered gold back into the cycle, allowing new jewelry, or investment gold, to be produced. Do your bit for the environment and sell your old jewelry. You will be surprised how much your jewelry is actually worth.

Gold&Co. - MORE know-how and family tradition

The many years of experience, as well as the broad knowledge in the field of precious metals, flow into the company founded in 2012 by the former couple Hell-Höflinger. The know-how is personally passed on to the employees and the team receives the best first-hand training. Thus, you benefit not only from the high competence in consulting, but also from a welded team with a high team spirit.


Walter Hell-Höflinger is a sworn and certified expert for precious metals and a European Gemmologist (FEEG). Both Walter Hell-Höflinger and Gold&Co. are expert members of the Austrian Gemmological Society.