Als Experten für Gold, Silber und andere Edelmetalle sind Sie bei uns an der richtigen Adresse, wenn Sie Ihre Münzen, Barren, Schmuckstücke oder andere Edelmetall-Gegenstände verkaufen möchten oder auch nur mehr wissen möchten zu Ihren Edelsteinen, Diamanten oder Uhren. Auch wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, was Sie da genau besitzen, können Sie mit Ihren Stücken jederzeit in eine unserer Filialen in Wien kommen, wo wir Ihre Schätze unter die Lupe nehmen und den Wert einschätzen. Die komplette Beratung und Bewertung Ihrer Stücke ist dabei kostenlos, komplett transparent und unverbindlich.
When gold is not just gold
We buy all items that are made of gold, silver, platinum or palladium. As a precious metal dealer, we pay you the material value of your pieces when buying: Relevant for the determination of the value is mostly the carat number, i.e. how much precious metal is processed in the piece and the weight.
Of course, it may also be that your piece of jewelry, your ring, your chain is actually worth more than the pure material value of the processed alloys. Or that collectors would pay significantly more for special gold or silver coins or even complete coin collections than we can offer you for the material.
Our staff has the experience to know which pieces, which brands sold elsewhere as jewelry, might have a higher resale value and educate you about it.
Our goal is for you, the customer, to achieve the highest possible value for your jewelry and treasures in the sale. After thorough examination and appraisal, our experts will advise you in detail about the achievable sales value of your jewelry.
If you come to us with a piece where we know you could get a better price at an antique dealer, for example, we will be happy to recommend you to other specialists where we know you will be just as well taken care of as you would be with us.
You want to buy or sell gold?
Kommen Sie jetzt zu einem persönlichen, unverbindlichen und seriösen Beratungsgespräch in eine unserer Filialen in Wien 9 oder Wien 22.
Sell jewelry above the material value
It is often very difficult for the layman to recognize the true value of a piece of jewelry . Is grandmother's necklace worth a small fortune or merely cheap costume jewelry from the twenties. If you want to sell old, perhaps inherited jewelry and thus make money, there are basically three possible scenarios:
In the worst case your piece of jewelry turns out to be costume jewelry, which may be of sentimental value, but unfortunately has no material value and therefore cannot be purchased by us. But even here there are differences - i.e. there are also - albeit few - collectors of fake jewelry.
The most common case, however, is that customers come to us with conventional costume jewelry goods, i.e. usually industrially produced gold jewelry or silver jewelry. Due to the mostly machine mass production, the work is negligible here and the pure material value is decisive. The price paid here is the price for scrap gold, which is based on the general gold price (gold spot) with a discount for melting and recycling.
In rare cases, however, it can happen that jewelry from the workshops of well-known goldsmiths is to be sold, where the value is significantly higher than the pure material value.
Through our years of work and training in the fields, we notice such resalable jewelry and educate you about the possibilities of selling through the antique market to your specific piece.
Handelt es sich um Schmuckstücke mit besonderem künstlerischen Wert, aus namhaften Werkstätten oder mit anderen Eigenschaften, die vermuten lassen, dass Sie woanders mehr als den Edelmetallwert bekommen, informieren Sie unsere Experten Sie und verweisen Sie auf Wunsch zu seriösen Schmuckhändlern, Auktionshäuser und Juwelieren in Wien.
When collectors pay more
When you come to us with gold co ins or silver co ins, we distinguish between bullion coins and melt coins, medals or numismatic collector coins. While the former are traded as an investment and are therefore based on the general gold or silver price, the value of the latter is determined by demand from collectors.
Historical coins can thus be quite valuable, even if they are not made of gold or silver. Here, rarity, state of preservation and history of the coin count more than the pure material value.
The also mentioned "melt coins" or the medals take a special position. So-called "coin institutes" sell such, mostly beautifully minted, medals or self-minting coins (from div. island states) at prices that exceed the material values of the metal discs by up to four times (!). Thus, unfortunately, a disappointment in the sale is pre-programmed, because there are fewer collectors than coins, and those who are a possible increase in value at the sale with-suggest, do not buy back their products. Also, the old silver shillings are traded for the mere material value, as this is higher than the nominal value of the coin in euros.
Da unsere Expertise vor allem im Schmuck und Edelmetallbereich liegt ist, lassen wir auch gerne Ihre Münzen, bei denen wir von einem numismatischen Wert ausgehen, vom Numismatiker unseres Vertrauens für Sie prüfen. Auch wenn wir keinesfalls die Expertise eines erfahrenen Münzhändlers oder Numismatikers in Wien haben, können wir sehr wohl zwischen Münzen mit potentiell numismatischen Wert und eher gemeinen Münzen unterscheiden. Sollten also bei Ihrem „Goldschatz“ auch alte Münzen dabei sein, werden wir Ihnen die wertvollen herausfiltern und Sie zu einem vertrauenswürdigen Numismatik-Kollegen weiterempfehlen.
Nominal & material value
In the case of coins, it may also be that the nominal value - i.e. the value stamped on the coin - differs from the material value. With certain coins, you are therefore better off selling them at the Austrian National Bank's nominal value.
For others - such as the old silver shillings - it is better not to sell them at the National Bank at face value, because the value of the silver is higher. Here you get, depending on the current silver rate, with gold & Co certainly more paid out.
Which coins are better to bring to the National Bank, you can learn here and, of course, in our store!
Transparency & Trust
Wer Edelmetalle verkaufen will, schätzt es, wenn er einen Partner hat, dem er vertrauen kann. Gold & Co. ist ein österreichisches Familienunternehmen mit über 130 Jahren Erfahrung und Sitz in Wien. Das Unternehmen wurde von Mag. Walter Hell-Höflinger gegründet, der auch Allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger für Edelmetalle und europäischer Gemmologie ist.
Selbst wenn unsere Experten und Sie am Ende des Tages beschließen, Ihre Stücke besser doch nicht bei uns zu verkaufen, kennen wir über unser Netzwerk die vertrauenswürdigste Spezialisten in Wien und ganz Österreich, die Sie ebenso seriös beraten und Ihnen einen fairen Preis bezahlen.