Sell medals

Medals and coins - what is the difference? © Own image

Medals and coins - what is the difference?

Medal and coin are often not so easy to distinguish. Both are round, have an embossing on both sides and are produced from metals. Medals can be recognized, among other things, by the fact that they must have a fineness and often a responsibility hallmark stamped on them. This is different with coins, which were minted by a state mint and usually also have a denomination in the currency of the country of manufacture. Coins also usually have the place of minting imprinted on them.

In addition, there are also plaques, but they have embossing only on one side, so they are easy to distinguish from coins and medals.

By the way, the word medal comes from the French and is derived from the Latin "metallum". Medals have been produced as small art objects since the Renaissance

Where do medals find use?

Medals are used as awards in sports, culture and science - or as commemorative coinage for special events, anniversaries or in honor of a personality.

At sporting events such as the Olympics, World Championships or other athletic competitions, gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded to the top three finishers. In marathons, each participant receives a medal as a memento.

Aber auch im Kulturbereich werden Medaillen verliehen. In Wien zum Beispiel die Josef-Kainz-Medaille der Stadt Wien, mit der herausragende Schauspieler und Regisseure ausgezeichnet werden. Im Bereich der Wissenschaft kennt man vielleicht die Max-Planck-Medaille, die jedes Jahr für besondere Leistungen in der Theoretischen Physik vergeben wird.

On the other hand, there are the commemorative coins, which were made, for example, on the occasion of accessions to the throne, conquests, marriages, anniversaries or in honor.

Actual medals: The Life Ball Medal

In 2015, a Life Ball 2015 medal featuring a portrait of Conchita Wurst as Klimt's Adele was issued by the Austrian Mint. Part of the proceeds from the sale of these gold-plated silver coins went to Aids-Hilfe. 10,000 pieces of this medal were produced.

Medals as attachment

Unlike coins, medals can also be commissioned by companies and private individuals. This means that in most cases there is no certificate of authenticity and the price you pay for the medal should be based only on the price of the material. Of course, medals can also appreciate in value, as can be seen with historical medals, for example.


You would like to sell your medals? We will gladly advise you free of charge and without obligation.

At Gold & Co. we not only sell gold and silver coins, but also buy coins, medals and jewelry. If you want to sell your treasures or have any questions, come to one of our branches in the 9th, 3rd or 22nd district.

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