Gold Geschenke zu Weihnachten

Gold gifts for Christmas © Own image

If you ask Austrians what they give away for Christmas, money has been the undisputed leader for years. But instead of simply giving a rather impersonal envelope with a few banknotes, a gold coin or a small bar under the Christmas tree is usually remembered by the recipient for a long time.

Gold as a gift has a long tradition. Besides the obvious monetary value, it is also a sign of recognition. Traditionally, gold is given as a gift especially for religious festivals, such as baptism, confirmation or weddings, but gold or silver in coin or ingot form is also a popular gift for birthdays. And gold is also a valuable gift in many other cultures, whether as a dowry for a wedding or in Austria the single ducat as "seed money" for a new life at a birth.

Gold as a Christmas gift

Already the holy three kings gave the newborn Christ child, in addition to frankincense and myrrh, gold as a tribute. And that is exactly what makes a gold coin or a small gold bar a special gift. If a purely monetary gift is carried to the bank after Christmas or spent directly, the recipient often keeps a gold gift and remembers the gift even years later.

A noble coin with a beautiful motif - which is perhaps even linked to a personal experience - is seen as a valuable gift by young and old alike. And also the joy about a real, own gold bar, makes not only the eyes of children shine.
At the same time, the presentee can convert a gold bar or coin into money at any time without any problems in order to afford something else after all. Thanks to the current upward trend in the gold price, the presentee can even benefit from an increase in value.

Popular gold coins

In Österreich ist die beliebteste Geschenkmünze wohl noch immer der Goldene Wiener Philharmoniker. Von der Münze Österreich herausgegeben, zählt diese Goldmünze schon fast zu den Wahrzeichen Österreichs und ist beinahe so bekannt wie das Orchester selbst. Dank den fünf unterschiedlichen Größen, in denen die Münze mittlerweile erscheint, ist auch für jedes Geschenkbudget etwas dabei. Beliebte Geschenkmünzen sind aber auch die klassischen GolddukatenGulden und Kronen, die mit dem Haupt Kaiser Franz Josephs auch eine Reminiszenz an Österreich-Ungarn sind.

1-fach Golddukaten
1-fach Dukaten | Goldmünze 298,70 

On the other hand, one of the Euro gold coins with a face value of €50 or €100 can have a somewhat more personal touch for the recipient. With their mintings, these gold collector coins pick up typical Austrian motifs in various series.


Adele Bloch-Bauer 2012 | 50 Euro | Gold Coin 942,40 

Give away gold bars

Ein Goldgeschenk muss aber nicht unbedingt eine Münze sein. Auch ein Goldbarren kann ein ganz besonderes Weihnachtsgeschenk sein. Auch hier gibt es dank unterschiedlichen Größen ab 1g auch leistbare Barren für kleines Budget.

Austrian Mint gold bar 1g
Austrian Mint | 1 gram | Gold bar 98,60 

Achten Sie aber auf jeden Fall einen LBMA zertifizierten Good-Delivery Barren (etwa von der Münze Österreich) zu verschenken. Nur dann kann der Beschenkte, sollte er den Barren doch einmal zu Geld machen wollen, auf einen fairen Preis gemäß dem Goldkurs hoffen.

Silver coins & collectibles

Neben Goldmünzen können natürlich auch Silbermünzen ein spezielles Geschenk zu Weihnachten sein. Ein Wiener Philharmoniker in Silber kann etwa das perfekte Geschenk sein, wenn mehrere Personen im Familien- oder Freundeskreis gleichermaßen beschenkt werden sollen.

Especially popular as gift coins are also the 10 euro angel silver coins. If the "Guardian Angel Michael" is usually given as a gift for baptism or first communion, it is of course, like the coin of the Archangel Gabriel also perfect as a gift for other occasions.

A nice gift for the younger ones can also be one of the 3 Euro animal thaler coins of the Austrian Mint for this purpose. The coins of the series each show an animal motif, which is highlighted in color and is particularly beautiful to look at. But the special feature that makes these coins an ideal gift for children is certainly that the animal motifs glow mysteriously in the dark and, together with the story collection album, exert a special fascination.

3 Euro Animal Thaler "Shark
3-Euro-Tier-Taler | "Hai" | Kupfer 35,00 

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