
Old Ögussa embossing on gold bar © Own image

Gold & Silver Bars from Austria

Ögussa is one of the best-known Austrian refiners and, in addition to producing technical metals for industry, is known primarily for its bars of gold and silver for investors.

History of the Ögussa

Ögussa, more rarely also Oegussa, is an acronym for Österreichische Gold- undSilberscheideanstalt. The origins of the Viennese company go back to the jewelry manufacturing company Markowitsch & Scheid and Georg Adam Scheid'sche Affinerie, which was founded as early as 1884.

1962 schloss sich die Scheid’sche Affinerie (Scheid und Roessler Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co.KG) dann mit dem Edelmetallhändler Louis Rössler unter dem Namen Ögussa Scheid & Rössler zusammen.
Schon zum Zeitpunkt dieses Zusammenschlusses war an der Firma Louis Rössler bereits die DEGUSSA, die Deutsche Gold- und Silberscheideanstalt, beteiligt.

At the end of the last century, Ögussa finally became wholly owned by Degussa Austria. The logo of Ögussa, like that of DEGUSSA, is composed of the sun, the symbol for gold, and the moon, the symbol for silver.

Today, Ögussa is a subsidiary of the German AGOSI(Allgemeine Gold-und Silberscheideanstalt), which used to operate under the name DEGUSSA - and is now part of the Belgian Umicore Group. Today, AGOSI is the largest gold refinery in Europe.

The DEGUSSA brand had lost some luster as a refinery and was sold by AGOSI in 2010 to billionaire and "Mövenpick" owner Finckh, who has revived the brand name today as "DEGUSSA Sonne/Mond Goldhandel."

Ögussa Gold & Silver Bars

In addition to industrial metals, Ögussa produces gold bars as well as silver bars for investors. The gold bars are available in units of 1g, 2.5g, 5g, 10g, 1oz, 50g and 100g as minted bars. In addition, cast bars are available in units of 250g, 500g and 1000g.

The fineness of the Ögussa gold bars - as well as LBMA certified bars - is 999.9 fine gold.
Nevertheless, although these bars have the same fineness and quality as those from manufacturers with Good Delivery license, these bars are not purchased by most banks.
Therefore, the gold bars are only conditionally tradable, which also means that discounts must be expected when reselling the bars.

Ögussa gold bars for sale

Of course, gold bars from non-LBMA certified manufacturers such as Ögussa also normally contain the imprinted gold content. You can therefore also sell your Ögussa gold bars at Gold & Co.

However, if you want to invest your money in bars of gold and silver, you should always buy Good Delivery bars! Therefore, we do not carry Ögussa bars in our sales, but only bars from the Austrian Mint, Argor-Heraeus, C. Hafner and other LBMA-certified refiners.

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