Gold as an employee gift for Christmas

Gold as an employee gift for Christmas © Own image

Giving your employees a gift at Christmas is not only a sign of appreciation, but also strengthens the sense of community and cohesion within the company.

Gold as a Christmas gift for employees

Finding a suitable employee gift is nevertheless often a challenge. After all, the gift should please every employee, be something special and also represent a certain value as an additional thank you.

Why not give your employees a gold coin this year? In addition to the obvious monetary value, a gold coin with a beautiful motif is also a special sign of recognition.

Klassische Österreichische Goldmünzen wie die 10 Kronen Goldmünze oder eine 4 Florin Goldgulden Nachprägung, liegen unter dem gesetzlichen Freibetrag für Mitarbeitergeschenke. Auch eine kleine 1/10 Philharmoniker Goldmünze liegt beim derzeitigen Goldpreis unter der Freigrenze. Abhängig vom tagesaktuellen Goldpreis kann möglicherweise sogar ein Einfach Golddukaten als Mitarbeitergeschenk zu Weihnachten in Frage kommen.


1 Ducat Gold coin
1 Ducat gold Austria | Gold coin 257,00 

At the same time, the employees receiving the gift can also convert a gold coin or a small gold bar into cash at any time without any problems in order to afford something else after all. Like vouchers, gold gifts are regarded as non-cash benefits. Unlike a gift voucher, a small gold coin remains a lasting memory.

Employee gifts: tax and social security allowances

In Austria, not only cash wages but also benefits in kind are subject to social security and payroll taxes. Such "non-cash benefits" also include Christmas gifts. However, per year, non-cash benefits of up to 186 euros per employee are tax-free.

Gold coins and gold bars, where the gold value is the primary consideration, also count as non-cash benefits.

In Austria, Christmas gifts for employees can be claimed as business expenses (voluntary social expenses) for tax purposes.

Christmas gifts for employees are generally subject to VAT. However, since investment gold bars and bullion coins are exempt from VAT under § 6 (1) Z 8 UStG, gold does not qualify as a gift.

In addition, it is important that the Christmas gifts go to all employees as a general benefit, because other rules and exemption limits apply once again for individual gifts and benefits.

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