The Red Deer 2013 | 100 Euro | Gold Coin

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„Der Rothirsch 2013 | 100 Euro | Goldmünze“ zum Verkauf gemerkt.
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About this product

Series forest animals

The red deer, also called the "king of the forests" because of its majestic antlers, is one of the largest free-living wild animals in Europe and belongs to the group of the frontal weapon bearers. The enormous antlers are used during mating season to intimidate competitors. Its habitat is the mountain forests, but also heaths and moors. In dreams, its appearance is an extremely positive sign that indicates success and wealth. The gold coin worked in the highest quality is certainly a good start for this.

The side of the coin shows a mighty stag in the typical rutting roar. The rutting cry can also be triggered by the sight of a rival, who is to be intimidated by means of a call duel and impersonation. If this should not succeed, it comes to the Brunftkampf. Antlers to antlers, the red deer try to push from the battlefield, which can sometimes end fatally.

Text courtesy of the Austrian Mint.


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Weight 0,01622 kg




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Item number: SAMÖ16WIL5 Categories: , Coins, ,

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