Buy silver coins? Compare the silver price!

Buy silver coins? Compare the silver price! © Own image

Buy Silver Coins - You want to buy or sell silver coins or invest in silver bars? Similar to gold, silver has shown a slow and steady increase in value throughout history. This invites you to buy or sell existing silver coins or silver bars in favor of other investments.

Der Ankauf und Verkauf von Silber in hat in der heutigen Zeit an Bedeutung gewonnen. Als Geldanlage ist es besonders geeignet, um vorhandene Vermögen vor Währungsschwankungen und Wirtschaftskrisen zu bewahren. Silber wird seit Jahrtausenden als Edelmetall geschätzt und bis heute in Form von Silbermünzen oder Silberbarren als wertstabile Anlageform genutzt. Unter den Münzen wird gerne die Münze 1 Unze Wiener Philharmoniker und Silber-Schillinge gekauft. Für die Schillinge haben wir momentan ein besonders attraktives Angebot.

Action: Buy silver coins just above the daily rate!

Wir von Gold&Co. sind auch für Silber der richtige Ansprechpartner und helfen Ihnen in unseren Filialen in Wien gerne beim Silber kaufen und verkaufen weiter. Mit einem Klick sehen sie den tagesaktuellen Silber-Kurs und die aktuellen Edelmetallpreise!

The price of silver: What is silver worth anyway?

The current price of silver is based on supply and demand on the world market, i.e. the prices on the commodity markets. On the commodity exchanges in New York, Chicago and Tokyo, silver is traded under the abbreviation XAG. The silver price is quoted in U.S. dollars per fine ounce of silver. In addition to physical silver, futures, options and other derivatives are also traded under the silver price. As with gold, the silver fixing of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) was decisive for the physical trading of silver for a long time. Until 2014, a consortium of participating banks fixed a uniform, over-the-counter silver price at 12:00 noon on weekdays. Not least because of allegations of manipulation, however, the LBMA silver price is now also determined in real time.

A brief history of silver as a precious metal and stable value investment

As a natural metal, silver has always been part of the earth's soil and has demonstrably been used for about seven millennia. Thus, the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans already knew the rare metal. The mines of Laurion in Greece have historically become known as the first place of targeted mining of silver. For a long time, silver was mined exclusively in the European region, and the rarity of the metal made it a valuable investment early on. At times, the value of silver was even higher than the price of gold in the respective era. Even today, many investors still rely more on buying silver than on buying gold. Silver is also mined in the 21st century, the largest deposits are located in Central and South America as well as in China. In addition to being a financial investment in the form of coins or bars, the precious metal is also used in various industries.

Buy silver bars and silver coins - realize the advantages of this financial investment

Many investors have preferences exclusively for gold in the form of gold coins and gold bars. In this context, the much higher price of gold deceives that gold coins or gold bars are more suitable for an investment. Often overlooked are the advantages of investing in silver bars or silver coins. Silver, like gold, cannot be artificially produced and is therefore not readily available. Compared to gold, the natural occurrence of silver is at a ratio of 1:17.5. Since the precious metal is not used solely for the preservation of assets and is subject to continuous industrial processing, there is a constant shortage of the raw material and thus a slow increase in value. Silver is therefore not only appreciated as a store of value but also as an important industrial raw material. And this already for centuries! And unlike gold, you can invest in silver from around 20 euros!

You want to invest money in silver? Then you are exactly right with us. We will be happy to assist you at any time in our branches to advise you on the purchase of silver. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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